Join us for worship
in-person and on Zoom
Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
temporarily located @ 1127 University Ave
Madison, WI 53715
Email for the Zoom link
Social Justice Book Club
Are you interested in growing your faith? Exploring real questions about how your faith influences your life and how we live? Members from three area churches are reading Shameless: A Sexual Reformation by Nadia Bolz-Weber.
Meetings start at Black Locust Café (829 East Washington Ave.) on Tuesday, April 23 and go from 9:30 – 10:30am
In the fall we may read Dear Church: A love letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the US. Are there ideas, books or topics that have challenged or transformed you? Let Pastor Peter know.
Women’s Group and Bible Study
The first Tuesday of the month a group of women meet for fellowship and study, usually in the home of one of the members. In the summer, the women of the church hold a retreat focused on a theme from the WELCA Bible studies.
Men’s Non-Book Book Club
On occasion, the men from St. John’s gather in a local bar or pub to discuss life, family, friends, and all the books that aren’t going to be read. Interested in fellowship and connecting with other men, contact Dick Gundlach for more info.